The website (hereinafter, for the sake of brevity, also the "Site") is created and operated by Matematici Ricerca e Sviluppo S.R.L. (hereinafter, also, "Matres").
In the context of this document (hereinafter also the "Terms") the term "visitors" (hereinafter also the "Users" or, individually, the "User") means any person who accesses the Site and/or who uses it with or without the permission of Matres, regardless of whether the person is registered on the Site or registered for a service offered through the Site.
By accessing the Site, by consulting and/or acquiring its contents and/or services (by means of reading, downloading or other procedures), by entering information and/or materials by means of uploading and/or by any other use of the Site and its contents, the User accepts and agrees to comply with these Terms without any changes, and also to comply with all applicable legal provisions.
In the event that the User does not approve even one of these Terms (or of the additional rules, instructions, prescriptions, etc. present on the Site), he/she will not be authorized to access and use the Site.
Access to the Site and/or its contents/services may be limited by Matres to a maximum number of accesses and/or to a certain duration established within a certain period of time.
In order to allow the User to access and use certain resources, or the contents and/or services present on the Site or to upload materials and/or send notices through the connection to the Site, the User may be asked to register or to provide some personal data and/or information.
The User agrees to provide complete, updated and truthful data and information, as well as to notify Matres of any changes to the data and information provided. In any event, Matres reserves the right to refuse and/or restrict the User - at its sole discretion - from accessing the Site, registering and/or, in any case, using the resources, contents and services available therein, as well as the right to revoke, interrupt or suspend the "Account" created for the User.
In the event he/she wishes to use, receive or download content, materials or services that may be available on the Site or through a link to the Site itself (e.g. sounds, images, videos, etc.), the User must first verify and warrant - assuming any and all liability in this regard – that the access and/or reception devices used support the access/reception (download) or transmission process and are compatible with the format of the contents, materials or services available on or through the Site (hereinafter, for the sake of brevity, also the "Contents").
Once the User Content has been accessed/received (downloaded) and/or transmitted, it will no longer be possible:
All rights to the Contents on the Site or available through it are reserved to Matres in accordance with current legislation. Upon accessing and using the Site, Matres does not grant (and the User does not acquire) any rights to the Contents viewed, acquired and/or used by the User. The contents and materials of the Site, including their selection and arrangement, are the property of Matres or affiliated companies of Matres and/or their suppliers and are protected by law and, in particular, by current legislation on copyrights and on industrial property rights. Permission to access and use the Site (limited to the purposes mentioned above) is expressly subject to the recognition, respect and protection, by the User, of every applicable note, warning and/or prescription relating to copyright protection, industrial property protection (patents, trademarks and/or other distinctive signs of Matres or third parties) and, in any case, any other right concerning the protection in any form of the Site's Contents.
The User does not acquire ownership and/or, in any case, any right to e-mail addresses, URLs or other personal identifiers assigned to him/her by CCW or chosen by the User for the purpose of being able to access the Contents available through the Site.
The limited rights of the User concerning the use of the aforementioned addresses/personal identifiers will be valid as long as the registration or the Account created by or for the User to access the Site or the respective Contents is valid. At the end of the period of validity of the registration or the Account, Matres will be free to revoke, interrupt and/or suspend the use of the User's personal addresses/identifiers or to assign them to another User at its sole discretion.
Matres may at any time - at its discretion and without prior notice to the User - make any changes, additions and/or updates it deems necessary and/or simply appropriate to the Site, the Contents, the programs and/or other materials contained therein and/or available through the Site itself, including these Terms.
Matres may notify the User of any modification and/or update of these Terms (and/or of any other terms and conditions contained on the Site) by means of publication on this same Site or by other means of communication. Every User who accesses the Site after the changes and/or updates have been published on the Site itself or otherwise communicated, shall accept them and remain bound by them starting from the date of publication and/or notification of the changes and/or updates, even in the event that the User has not viewed the web page on which they have been published.
Matres grants the User an exclusively limited right to access and use the Site for personal and non-commercial use and, in any case, in full compliance with all the rights of Matres and/or third parties (including copyrights, industrial property rights, etc.) concerning the Contents, information and/or materials present and/or available through the Site.
The User is therefore expressly prohibited from, by way of example only:
the use of the Site and its Contents for purposes other than those mentioned above and, in particular, for commercial uses and/or purposes;
any use of the Site and its Contents that is not explicitly permitted according to these Terms and/or the specific terms and conditions in effect at the time on the Site itself and thus, by way of example, the acquisition (download), the making of changes, communication, distribution, transmission, copying, duplication, publication of the Contents present and/or obtainable through the Site including personal data, information, graphics, images, photographs, sketches, descriptions, text, video, audio, music and sound collections, utilities, software and software collections, drivers and other ancillary programs, the content of e-mail newsletters or similar communications as transmitted by Matres or in the name of and on behalf of Matres, as well as all other Contents of the Site prepared and/or transmitted directly by Matres, by affiliated companies of Matres or their suppliers of products and/or services;
the derivative use of the Site or its contents (e.g. framing), as well as any use of the contents of the Site on another Site, server or networked IT environment;
the use of the Site or its Contents in violation of any applicable laws or, in any case, any use capable of causing damage to the Site itself (including the interruption or limitation of the same or its contents and services);
access or attempted access without authorization to any part and/or content of the Site or to Accounts of other Users or to computer systems or networks connected to the Site;
the collection or attempt to collect information and/or personal data about third parties through the Site.
Ogni diritto sui Contenuti presenti sul Sito o disponibili attraverso di esso è riservato a Matres ai sensi della normativa vigente. A fronte dell’accesso e dell’utilizzo del Sito, Matres non concede (e l’Utente non acquista) alcun diritto sui Contenuti visionati, acquisiti e/o utilizzati dall’Utente. I contenuti e materiali del Sito, ivi compresa la loro selezione e disposizione, sono di proprietà di Matres ovvero di imprese consociate a Matres e/o dei loro fornitori ed è protetto dalla legge ed, in particolare, dalla vigente normativa sul diritto d’autore e sulla proprietà industriale. L’autorizzazione all’accesso e all’utilizzo del Sito (limitatamente alle finalità e agli scopi sopra citati) è espressamente subordinato al riconoscimento, al rispetto e alla protezione, da parte dell’Utente, di ogni nota, avvertenza e/o prescrizione in materia di tutela del diritto d’autore, di tutela della proprietà industriale (brevetti, marchi e/o altri segni distintivi di Matres o di terzi) e, comunque, di ogni altro diritto avente ad oggetto la tutela in qualunque forma dei Contenuti del Sito.
L’Utente non acquista la titolarità e/o, comunque, alcun diritto su indirizzi e-mail, URL ovvero altri identificativi personali assegnatigli da CCW o scelti dallo stesso Utente allo scopo di poter accedere ai Contenuti disponibili attraverso il Sito.
I diritti limitati dell’Utente aventi ad oggetto l’uso dei suddetti indirizzi/identificativi personali saranno validi finché sarà valida la registrazione o l’Account creato da o per l’Utente per l’accesso al Sito o ai rispettivi Contenuti. Al termine del periodo di validità della registrazione o dell’Account, Matres sarà libera di revocare, interrompere e/o sospendere l’utilizzo degli indirizzi/identificativi personali dell’Utente ovvero di assegnare gli stessi ad altro Utente a propria esclusiva discrezione.
"Madeticket" is a trademark at the disposal of Matematici Ricerca e Sviluppo S.R.L.
Any additional trademarks, names, signs, logos, internet addresses, product or model names and derivatives thereof which describe products or services of Matres or Matres affiliated companies or which contain the words “Made Ticket” and which are included in the contents of the Site is a registered logo and/or, in any case, owned/at the disposal of Matres or its affiliated companies.
Other product or company names or logos used on the Site may be registered trademarks and/or in any case belong to the respective owner.
It is expressly forbidden for the User to in any way or form use the trademarks and logos of Matres or of third parties present on the Site or which can be acquired through it.
The Site, graphics and texts are subject to protection and all rights are reserved to Matres or third party legitimate owners.
The information, content and materials entered or sent by the User on or through the Site (hereinafter, the "User Materials") are subject to the provisions indicated below.
User Materials means all information, contents and/or materials transmitted or transmissible to Matres or third parties (including other Users) through the Site or entered or uploaded by a User on the Site or on other IT tools connected to it. User Materials include, but are not limited to, photographs, videos and other images, audio materials, graphics, document or data files, personally identifiable or otherwise related information, messages, e-mails or other types of communications, files, texts, opinions and other information.
By uploading the User's Materials to the Site or transmitting or making them available to Matres or third parties, the User warrants Matres an irrevocable and exclusive right to their use, also for commercial purposes, unlimited in time, and free of charge. This right includes, without limitation, the copying, sublicensing, reproduction, modification, adaptation, publication, translation, public performance, display and distribution of the User Materials, as well as their incorporation (total or partial) in any form, in any medium or with any technology, whether already known or that may be developed in the future.
The aforementioned provisions do not apply to the User's personal data which will be processed in compliance with current legislation concerning the processing of personal data with the methods and for the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy notice specifically prepared and present on the Site.
The User is expressly prohibited from activities such as - by way of example and not limited to - the uploading, communication, transmission and/or publication on or through the Site of:
insults, slurs or threats;
content and materials relating to violence, abuse, child pornography or the sale, distribution or promotion of weapons or drugs;
contents and materials relating to advertising, market research and prize competitions;
pyramid or chain communications (so-called chain letters);
fraudulent or criminal offers;
music files, software, images (still or moving), literary or artistic works or other contents and materials protected by current legislation (including that on copyright) unless the User is the owner of the exclusive rights to such contents and/or materials or has received all the necessary permissions to use them;
contents and/or materials of any kind that contain personal or confidential information of third parties, whether natural or legal persons, including telephone numbers, addresses, e-mail addresses, account numbers of other Users, passwords and financial information with the exception of that personal information transmitted by the User and relating to him/her for the purpose of registering on the Site or for opening an Account;
of computer programs, files and other materials with destructive or disruptive characteristics such as viruses, manipulated files and, in general, any other element capable of threatening or disrupting the integrity or functionality or online communication of the Site.
In case of violation (or mere suspicion of violation) of the aforementioned provisions, Matres reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or cancel the User's access to the Site or to the relative Account, as well as prevent access to or use of the related Contents, without prejudice to the right to forward the User Materials in question to the appropriate Authorities for any further resolutions as may be warranted.
In any case, Matres reserves the right to prohibit and/or prevent the transmission, distribution, diffusion, uploading, presentation or saving on the Site or through it, as well as the right to remove from the Site itself, all those User Materials that Matres deems inadmissible, inappropriate and/or simply unpleasant based on its own, exclusive and discretionary assessment.
The User assumes all liability for any damages related, consequent and/or connected to the type, characteristics and/or compatibility of the hardware and software used to access and use the Site and for payment of the telephone fees and other network fees necessary for accessing the Site, for using it and for enjoying the relative Contents.
The texts, information, materials and other contents published or accessible through the Site are for informational purposes only and are not official in nature, unless otherwise expressly indicated on the Site itself.
Furthermore, the User assumes all civil, criminal and administrative liability deriving from, consequent and/or connected to any harm caused to persons (including Matres and the User) and/or things as a result of accessing the Site and/or the use of the Contents present and/or accessible through the Site (including those made available or transmitted by other Users or third parties also through links, connections, etc.), for the use of any services offered or made available by third parties (also through links or other connections to the Site), as well as for the unauthorized, non-compliant and/or illegal use of any services made available by Matres.
The User therefore expressly exonerates Matres from any liability for any damages – of any kind – possibly arising from and/or stemming from him, to the tools used to access the Site (hardware and software, even if owned by third parties), to third parties (including - by way of example and not limited to - other Users of the Site, those who access the Site using the User's Account in an unauthorized manner, third parties who have activated links or other connections, etc.), as well as for any damages connected to and/or arising from the Site itself and agrees, in any case, to indemnify and hold Matres and its personnel harmless from any and all claims, actions, legal grounds and/or demands made by anyone in any capacity, for injuries, claims and/or damages (including those caused to the Site) stemming from, consequent to and/or connected to access and/or use of the Site, as well as to the Contents available through it.
In particular, the User will be solely responsible (and will therefore be required to indemnify and hold Matres harmless) for all damages to anyone (including Matres and the User) that may arise from:
the use, uploading, transmission and/or use of information, materials and/or content originating from the User (User Materials);
unauthorized access (even by minors) to the Site, the Account and/or areas reserved for the User;
the automatic forwarding and/or dissemination of communications and/or viruses or other invasive or destructive computer programs both to the Site and to third-party computer tools.
In no case can Matres be held liable for damages caused by the User to third parties due to erroneous, unauthorized and/or illegal access and/or use of the Site, as well as from access and/or use of the Contents available through the Site.
The Site and its Contents are made available according to the qualitative and quantitative characteristics determined by Matres. Matres therefore does not make any warranties whatsoever relating to:
Matres does not warrant, and cannot in any case be held liable for, any loss, cancellation, elimination or failed transmission and/or supply to the recipient of content, materials and/or information entered, uploaded or transmitted through the Site, regardless of whether this occurred due to failures, computer viruses, access by unauthorized third parties or otherwise.
The User is expressly prohibited from creating any type of electronic, IT and/or telematic connection (e.g. hypertext link) to and from the Site without the express permission of Matres.
Matres or third parties (with the permission of Matres) may create or establish links from or to this Site (to or from other sites or Internet resources operated by third parties).The creation of the aforementioned links will in no case imply the acceptance or approval by Matres of other sites or the relative contents, nor the existence of any financial/legal connection to the relative third-party operator.
Acceptance by the User of an existing link on the Site to any other external site takes place at the exclusive risk and under the exclusive responsibility of the User.
Matres assumes no liability for damages caused to the User and/or third parties from connection with external sites and resources or from access to the relative contents, materials and services. Furthermore, Matres assumes no liability for the accuracy, updating, legitimacy or decency of the contents, materials and information present or available on the linked external sites and resources.
Matres reserves the right to interrupt, suspend and/or revoke - at any time and at its sole discretion - access to and use of the Site or the related Account by the User or by all Users.
These Terms are governed by Italian laws.
Any dispute concerning these Terms (or the additional terms and conditions present on the Site including those relating to their validity, effectiveness, interpretation and/or implementation shall be deferred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rome with the express exclusion of any other judicial authority.